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 M Naseem  (2018)
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Spandan is a sanskrit word that signifies vitality. Often loosely translated to 'pulse' or 'alive,' it has more to do with the gift of life than living. gets its name from the Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC) magazine, Spandan. is an unofficial MAMC website, created by me for MAMC students and aspirants. The links below can help you explore most of the website. If you can't find what you need, direct questions to me.

- Nikhil Goyal Webmaster Features
About MAMC
History of the college, courses offered, about the campus, hospitals, etc.
Alumni Section and Directory
All the info MAMCOS are looking for. Including the directory!
The Editorial Board
Articles from the magazine, archives of the newsletter TNT and more.
About the Site
How came about, it's content and purpose. Important links.

If you are looking for official information about MAMC, please contact:

The Dean,
Maulana Azad Medical College,
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi - 110002

   Dean's Office: +91-11-23231478
   Academic Officer: +91-11-23232629
   Main Exchange: +91-11-23239271-80
Fax: +91-11-23235574


 You Said It!

Here's what Rajesh Malik (1990) said about MAMC Memories:

"still remember the fun and quarrels, the sent ups, the bunks, the attendance calls and proxies, the picnics. VOPE and festivals, the Green MAMC project, the room at OBH # 269 facing the book shop,all the nice and pretty girls standing in front of the book shop, all my pretty batchmates. is like it was just yesterday, so fresh. just wish if can have the days back, whatever it may take."

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